2022 is off to a flying start and there is already so much going on for those of us in business.
- Global supply issues are affecting your business
- Your staff are struggling to come to work due to covid
- Your customers are wary of spending money at the moment because they are feeling nervous about money
- Lenders are restricting access to money
- Whole industries are being disrupted by covid restrictions and side effects
The list goes on!
It is imperative that at this time you take charge of your mental wellbeing. As a business owner so much relies on your wellness and you must prioritise it.
So, what can you do?
1. Acknowledge how you are feeling
Sometimes we ignore or dismiss how we are feeling in the hopes it will go away. I encourage you to do the opposite and open up to yourself about how you are feeling.
2. Accept your feelings
Once you have acknowledged they are there, I want you to accept those feelings. Its ok to feel rubbish. Its ok to feel unsure or upset or anxious or unmotivated.
Once you know what you are feeling and that it is ok to feel that way, you are going to start taking charge of your recovery.
The simple next steps will be a shift in the direction you want to go.
3. Take a break from social media and mainstream news outlets
A lot of stresses are magnified in the online world. We have enough going on in our personal and professional lives without bearing the weight of global issues that we have little control over. Social media and online news outlets thrive of shock and fear and they keep you anxious in order to keep you stuck to their sites so they can stick advertising in front of you. Pull yourself back from these platforms for a while and get some clarity on what is going on for you right now.
4. Move out of the space you spend most of your time in
Change your surroundings and you will change what you see. That may mean stepping out of your home office and going for a walk. The change of scenery will help you keep fresh eyes and keep you grounded.
5. Exercise
The known benefits of regular exercise are numerous and are a key part of a mental wellbeing plan. Get moving every day and your body and mind will thank you.
6. Be open with a trusted person
Talking with someone we trust can do the world of good for our mental health. Hearing yourself say things out loud takes things out of the shadows and into the light and there you can see they often aren’t as scary or shameful or disastrous as they were in our minds.
7. Check in on others
Contact with friends and loved ones can really help. A problem shared is a problem halved, so not only will you feel better sharing your load, but those you talk to will feel better for having shared theirs. Human contact is good for the soul.
8. Do something to help others
Helping others helps you to take charge of your own state of mind as well as being of benefit to those you help. Give freely without the expectation of anything in return. The benefit to you is the reward of making a positive difference to someone else.
9. Play with a pet or a child
There is no feeling down when playing with pets or children! Playing with them on their level helps you see the world the way they see it, and from my experience, they see goodness and opportunity wherever they look.
10. Read
Reading is a form of selfcare. Find some time to indulge in some reading to ease your mind and relax your body.
11. Take charge of what you can and accept the rest
Identify your situation and what things are within the scope of what you can control. Then plan for improving those things by writing down your plan in steps. This takes the things that are emotional and turns them into something rational. Once it is rational, you have control of it and can use it to your advantage.
12. Eat well and drink plenty of water
When we nourish our bodies, they can look after us better. By eating well, we feel well and is one less thing holding us back.
If your mental health strains are affecting your life in a significant way, we always recommend you seek professional help. A therapist or GP will be able to give you the tools and treatment you need. This advice is generic and is not to replace proper medical advice.
image credit: Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels