Top Reasons – Why use a Business Loan Broker for an Unsecured Business Loan

Loans can help your business improve by leaps and bounds. With a loan, you can grow your business and then pay back your debt in no time. However, striking the best deal can be difficult without an unsecured business loan broker to help you out.

Finances are necessary, especially when it comes to business. Without the proper funding, your company will have a hard time thriving. So, applying for an unsecured business loan can really help you out.

In this article, we will explain what unsecured business loans are and why you should work with a capable business loan broker when you apply for one.

What Is An Unsecured Business Loan?

There are two kinds of business loans – secured and unsecured. Secured business loans are loans that have collateral. This means that when the loan is made, the borrower puts up an asset as collateral. The asset could be equipment, vehicles, stock or more. If the borrower fails to pay off their debt, the lender can then seize the asset.

Conversely, unsecured loans are business loans that have no collateral. However, the lender may still have a claim on the borrower’s assets if their debt is not paid. Professionals like unsecured business loan brokers can help you negotiate a loan and get a good deal.

How Can A Business Loan Broker Help Me With My Business Loans?

A business loan broker is a professional who helps clients find the best lenders for their business. Some loan deals could fit better for different situations, and a skilled business loan broker will be able to help you find the absolute best value for your specific circumstances.

There are many reasons why you should choose to consult a financial expert before striking a deal with a lender; a few of these excellent reasons include:

An Unsecured Business Loan Broker Can Save You Time. If you are inexperienced with finances, searching around and weighing your options against one another can take a lot of time if you do not know what to look for and what to avoid.

But, a professional with heaps of experience and knowledge will know who to avoid and who to seek out. As a result, they will be able to find the best deal in a much shorter amount of time than most people.

You Will Be Less Stressed. Whether you’re paying for something personal or growing your business, dealing with finances can be very stressful. If you make the wrong deal, you could end up wasting money or putting yourself in a situation; and, if you choose a bad lender, you might end up in hot water.

By trusting a skilful unsecured business loan broker, you can put your financial situation into their capable hands. With their reliable advice, you can rest easy knowing that your finances will be well taken care of.

A Business Loan Broker With A Good Reputation Could Get You Special Rates. A broker with good contacts and positive relationships with multiple lenders might be able to get special rates and deals for you that you probably would not have gotten on your own. Naturally, this can save you money.

With An Experienced Broker, You Will Receive Expert Advice. Accomplished business loan brokers can answer any questions you have and give you top tier advice. This information will be well suited to you because your unsecured business loan broker will know all of the details of your circumstances. So, your friendly business loan broker can tailor their advice to help your situation specifically.

If You Are In A Bad Financial Situation, Your Business Loan Broker Can Help You Find The Best Solution. For example, if you have debt or have bad credit, they can work with you to find a solution that will help you despite your unfortunate position.

If you make mistakes with your finances, it could lead to more significant and troublesome problems that worsen in the future. So, working with a financial expert is your best option.

Where Can I Find Experienced And Qualified Business Loan Brokers To Help Me?

Unsecured business loans can help you kickstart your business, and with the help of a reliable business loan broker, you can get the best deal possible! If you want to apply for an unsecured loan but would like some extra assistance, our team at Spinach is here to help.

Our team happily provides New Zealanders with outstanding business loans to help them grow their companies and become successful. If you would like to speak to us about your business, or if you would like to apply for a loan now, please visit our contact page or give us a call at 0800 774 622.

We have helped heaps of happy clients in the past, and we are eager to help you as well, so receive great advice and apply for a loan with us at Spinach!

6 Things You Need To Do When Starting A Business

Starting a business

Starting a business can be so exciting. You have a product or service that you want to get to work on and if done well, it could change your fortunes.

Working with start ups all the time, we have some insights into things you can do early to prepare for success. Read on for the things we think you need to do to get started.

Identify the need

First you need to do some research to find out if there is a need for what you want to offer. Get behind your computer and find out what comparable product or services there are. You will soon find out if it is a saturated market or if there is a niche there waiting for you.

Scope the competition

Now you need to understand what your competition are doing and how you plan on doing it differently. You need to have a clear point of difference and sing it from the rooftops. It is important that you are very clear about what you do and who you do it for, that way your ideal client or customer will find you easily.

Review the finances

Lastly, you want to know if you can make money with this idea. There will be a maximum amount your customer is willing to pay for what you offer, reverse engineer this to see what it will cost you to provide your offer and you will see if there is any money to be made.

Once you undertake those three things, you will then know if you have a business and then it’s the right time to talk about funding.

Three things you need to be successful for funding your start up

  1. You need to showcase the skills and experience that you will bring for the benefit of your new business. This may be qualifications, past employment, work experience etc. There will be a strong focus on you when the lender assesses you for a loan. The likelihood that you will make the business a success is gauged by your related experience, so don’t be shy. Dig through your CV and let us know all the strengths you have that will propel your business.
  2. You need to be able to cover your personal expenses as well as loan repayments while the business gets up and running. This is usually acceptable in the form of a spouse earning an income outside of the business. If your business has a contract for upcoming work, or sometimes franchises offer guaranteed minimum income, then that will help too.
  3. You need to have some skin in the game. Lenders are reluctant to give 100% funding to start a new project. It puts all the financial risk on them. Take the time to accumulate some money of your own that you can use toward your business goals. This shows strong character and lines you up as a desirable candidate for a loan.


If you want to discuss your personal situation in more detail, call one of our lending specialists on 0800 774 622 or apply today.

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

As a business owner, the beginning of a new year is the best time to assess the state of your operations and determine what you can do to make your business even stronger moving forward.

Following are some new year’s resolutions to consider for your business:

1. Growth

Growth is probably the number one goal of every business. You need to be able to consistently increase sales if you want your business to grow. Take some time to review and understand how your business has changed since the end of the last year. Get professional advice from an accountant. They can help with financial planning to keep you on the right track.

  • Marketing

Expanding your customer base is the key to your business growth. Implement various marketing strategies to create consistent promotion throughout 2019. Start the new year by updating your website and making it SEO friendly. If you don’t have a marketing expert on staff, 2019 may be the year to start looking for one.

  • Cashflow Management

Many businesses fail each year and running out of cash is usually one of the primary reasons. If your financial records are not up to date or if you don’t work with cashflow forecasts, then it will be really difficult for you to address cashflow problems. It is recommended that you create reliable cashflow forecasts so you can identify periods when your business risks running out of cash. Proper cashflow management will also allow you to avert a cashflow crisis before it’s too late.

  • Upgrade Your Technology and Workflows

You can’t expect your employees to reach their full potential if your firm is relying on legacy technology. Embracing new technologies such as collaboration platforms, cloud computing, etc. will allow you to streamline most of your business processes. It will also result in increased productivity as your employees will be able to access their critical documents and get their work done from any connected device.

2. Succession Plan

Now might be a good time to review, evaluate, and update your business plan to make sure it remains consistent with your business goals for both short-term and long-term future. It is highly recommended that you have a succession plan in place and operate the business to create value for the new leaders in your staff.

  • Training Staff

Make sure your staff is well-trained as it will lead to increased employee satisfaction and productivity. Take on apprentices and support employees to gain qualifications while working. When your employees have confidence in their ability, it’s a massive benefit to your company as a whole. Obviously, if your employees struggle to perform important tasks, they will be less productive. Therefore, employee training is very important.

3. Reviewing Health & Safety Policies

Health and safety in the workplace should always come first. If you act on improving the health and safety in the workplace, it will make the environment safe and ideal for your employees and will also ensure personal safety. It is recommended that you review your company’s health and safety policies, rules, and regulations. Know the rights of your employees and find out if your company is providing sufficient information on keeping employees safe in the workplace.

As an employer, it is your legal obligation to provide a safe working environment to your employees. Implementing the proper health and safety policies is a good start. Visit our health and safety blog to learn about New Zealand health and safety legislation and how you can implement the policies in your business.

4. Modernize Working Arrangements for Staff

Last but not least, annual reviews of employees should be a part of your business policy. Have open discussions with your staff. It will lead to clarification of expectations as well as better working relationships. Reviewing your role in employee relationships is also a good idea. Consider flexible working arrangements e.g. flexible hours, job sharing, working from home, etc. as a way to modernize working arrangements for your staff.

Final Word

Simply making new year’s resolutions and hoping they come true is not enough. In fact, only a small percentage of people actually keep their new year’s resolutions. The good news is, you are in control of your actions, so you have the ability to follow through on the new year’s resolutions for your business. Stick to the above-mentioned resolutions and your company will be in an even stronger position when next year rolls around.


Spinach are your specialist business brokerage. Give our friendly staff a call on 0800 774 622 today for advice on how we can help your business grow.

The Process of Gaining Patent Protection in NZ

If you are serious about an idea or basic product and want to transform it into an invention, it is very important that you get patent protection. Without patent protection, it is unwise to promote or advertise the idea, as it can be easily stolen. More than that, your idea will not be taken seriously by businesses you approach because without the patent protection, your idea is just that – an idea.

Patenting in New Zealand offers protection within the country. If you want to get patent protection in a foreign country, you will need to apply for a patent in that country or in a region that includes that certain country.

Before we get into the details of what to expect, it is important to note, that this process should be walked through with a Patent Attorney who specialises in this type of work. Our explanation has simplified what to expect, but is in no way being offered in place of solid legal advice!

Procedure for Obtaining a Patent

The process of patenting a new idea or product is not simple, in fact, it can be quite complex. Here is the procedure in a nutshell:

1. Search Existing Patents

The first step is to search in order to see whether your idea or product has already been patented. You may be out of luck if your basic idea or product has already been patented. If it isn’t, then you can proceed to complete your patent application. It may sound easy, but in truth, it’s not. Patent searches are likely to reveal a similar idea or product that has already been patented. If that is the case, then you might need to alter your idea/product to make it less similar.

2. Apply for a Patent

The next step is to apply for a patent. You will need to complete an application and submit it to IPONZ and also pay a $100 fee (provisional). You can either file a new application for a provisional specification or a complete specification. Keep in mind that the application for a patent is not similar to completing an employment application. It is a hectic procedure and must be done correctly so that your idea or product as well as your future rights to it are protected. Any mistakes may result in a quick denial from IPONZ.

3. Pending Application

Once you have submitted your application, it will become a pending application. The procedure after that depends on the route you have chosen for patent filing. In some jurisdictions, a patentability search will be carried out within 6 months of filing the application.

4. Publication

Patent applications are generally published on the IPONZ website approximately 18 months after they are first filed. From that date, anyone can access the contents of your patent application. It is also possible for you to see copies of correspondence with IPONZ as the application is examined.

5. Examination

Once your patent application is published, the next step is to request examination of the application. You can usually do this within 6 months of publication and you can expect to receive the first examination report within the 12 months period of requesting examination. You must also file a response to the examination report, generally within 3-6 months of receiving the examination report. In some cases, multiple examination reports will be issued. If successful, your patent will be granted within 6 months of filing a successful response to your examination report.

6. Acceptance

If there are no objections from the examination, your patent will be accepted and the accepted form of your application will be published in the IPONZ Journal. Once the patent is accepted and your application has been allowed, you will need to pay some form of official fee associated with the issue or grant procedure. Once granted, you will need to pay annual government renewal fees that are usually due each year up to and including the 20th year so that your patent is kept in force.

7. Renewal Fees

Annual renewal fees are payable in most countries, even on pending applications. They are generally paid from the third year onwards. In New Zealand, you are required to pay renewal fees in the 4th, 7th, 10th and 13th years after the date the application was first filed. The term of a patent is 20 years from the date of filing the complete specification.

Your patent is your most valuable asset and it lasts for 20 years. Most people who have gone through the process say that getting patent protection is a bit like buying a house. The procedure can be frustrating and overwhelming, but undeniably worthwhile once completed. To take that next step, contact a reputable and experienced attorney to discuss your idea.

We can recommend people if you need advice on where to go too, so give us a call if this applies to you.

The Benefits of Having a Great Business Mentor on Your Side

There are a very few successful people that are truly “self-made”. Mostly every success story is linked to someone that helped the person along the way. Although this is not always the case, most of the time the person that helped was a mentor. Understanding the benefits of having a great business mentor is something you need to think about.

Basically, a business mentor is an individual who is there for you to guide you in the right direction. He/she gives you direction through their experience and listens to your ideas. Mentors have years of experience in the field and they have gone through the problems that most new business owners will go through. They share that experience with you so you don’t have to go through those problems. In this way, a mentor can help save you a lot of time, money, and frustration.

Following are some benefits of having a great business mentor:

Expert Advice

The best thing about having a great business mentor that has experience in your industry is that they can give you a more reliable, specific advice. Because of their years of experience, they know the issues that you are facing, and how to deal with those issues in a quick and efficient way. The important thing to remember is that you are getting a sound advice. The mentor’s job is not about telling you what to do. They can simply offer advice on the basis of what they know, and what they have been through in the past. Every situation is different, so it is up to you to decide how to deal with each situation based on what you know as well as the advice that your mentor gives you.

A Different Perspective

Another benefit of having a business mentor is that they can act as a sounding board for your ideas. Your mentor can offer a different perspective that might help you to adjust or clarify those ideas so that you can present them to others. Apart from this, your mentor can also act as a sounding board as you try to determine what the best reaction is to a certain situation that you are currently facing. You may be in a position to deal with a difficult employee, and your business mentor can hear how you want to handle the situation. Your mentor will be able to play “devil’s advocate” to make sure that you are fully prepared before you meet with that employee.


Since your business mentor has years of experience in your industry, they are likely to have many connections within the industry as well. As your business grows and develops, your mentor may be able to introduce you to people that you wouldn’t be able to meet otherwise. Those connections could lead to promotions and/or opportunities that may not be available to your competitors. As a business owner, your connections are extremely important to the life of your business. Those connections become the suppliers or customers that will help your business to be profitable.

Emotional Support

You may be alone as a business owner, but your entrepreneurial journey doesn’t have to be isolated. Your business mentor can fill the gaps by offering emotional support. This is one of the most critical roles of a great business mentor. As your grow in your business as well as in your personal life, it is helpful to have someone who can ask you the difficult questions regarding how you are doing as a person. They can question you on whether you are making time for your family, how you are treating others, and most importantly, how you are doing ethically.

Developing Confidence

Restoring enthusiasm and confidence on the part of the business owner is the endgame of business mentoring. By encouraging, teaching, and assisting, a mentor can turn a burnt-out business owner into a fireball of productivity. As a business owner, when you realize that your business is not a ball and chain which requires 60 hours of your time every week but a vehicle that can significantly improve your own life and develop real equity, you will become far more productive.

These are just a few of the key benefits of having a great business mentor. But you should keep in mind that nothing is guaranteed. You still need to work hard in order to make sure that your business is successful. However, with an experienced business mentor by your side, your probability of success will certainly increase tenfold.

9 Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Business Profile

Marketing is extremely important for the growth of a small business. Without any marketing plan, it would be like operating a business with a blindfold. As a small business owner, you must know the different marketing techniques and strategies that will work for your business. The idea is to understand marketing as a way to keep improving the way your business is doing. Smart business owners know that they must always work toward finding new ways to improve their sales, revenue, and profit.

Following are some marketing ideas and tips that will help you gain a competitive edge:

1. Know Your Market

Making sure that you have a solid grasp on your targeted market is the first step in developing a successful small business marketing strategy. Identify your customers. After that, identify the problems, aspirations, and dreams of your targeted customers. Learning about your targeted market will provide you insights regarding how to design your products and services in a way that meet and exceed the expectations of your customers.

2. Know Yourself

After learning about your targeted market, the next step is to know yourself (your business). Ask yourself what your business does and how it is different than your competitors. Also try to find the answer regarding how your business helps solve your customers’ problems. Once you have learned these important aspects of your business, you will be able to define your unique selling proposition – the aspects that make your business stand out from the competition. Make that unique selling proposition your business’ identity.

3. Check Your Competition

It is important that you learn what marketing strategies your competitors are using. You should analyze the marketing campaign of your competitors and try to look for something they are missing. Your aim should be to find a different, unique way to market your services and products so that you don’t go head to head with a competitor that has been in the market for years.

4. Create Social Awareness

It is highly recommended that you create a social media marketing channel so you can develop and generate leads more profitably. Focus more on the trendy social media platforms and start engaging targeted audience. Use your social media marketing channel for publishing out.

5. Communicate Well with Your Targeted Market

Simply being informative on your web page is not enough. You need to be virtually everywhere else to get as many people to have more knowledge about your brand, products, and services. Offer free valuable information related to your services or products so you can give your targeted audience the impression that you are the authority in the service/product that you are selling.

6. Keep Your Ads Short and Concise

As compared to longer ads, short and direct to the point ads are relatively more effective when it comes to attracting customers. They prove to be highly beneficial to small business owners as they don’t have to write a lengthy ad anyway. Furthermore, they are also relatively more cost-effective.

7. Put Business Information on Everything

Whether you are marketing your existing small business or starting a new one, getting your brand out there is everything. It is recommended that you make sure that your brand logo, name, and contact information are on everything you do. Include them on your invoices, website, and any paperwork you send out.

8. Email Marketing – Build Your List

Email marketing is an extremely important part of small business marketing and it is something that will not go away anytime soon. If you are starting from scratch, then building your list may seem like a difficult task, but the effort is worth it as email marketing is still one of the best ways of getting people interested.

9. Advertise Small

Don’t try to mimic advertising campaigns by big businesses as the cost will be simply too much for your small business. Besides, you really don’t need to spend so much on your advertisements because you are a new, relatively small business. So, it is recommended that you find out how to use your small ads properly and convert them to sales.

Final Word

As a small business owner, it is extremely important that you come up with ways to keep your customers coming back to you as well as attract new, targeted customers. Marketing for small business can be attention grabbing and inexpensive. Use the marketing ideas and tips listed above to come up with a personalized marketing plan for your small business. It is also recommended that you play around with different ideas until you find those that work best for you.

Video: Leverage – What Is It and How Do I Use It?

In this video about leverage, we discuss how to use someone else’s money to propel you to your financial goals faster.